Blind Curlers Win Provincial Silver

Peter with trophyLion Peter Henry is proud to announce that the Ottawa Recreational Blind Curlers Team, on which he is the lead, won second place in the Ontario Blind Curling Association Provincial Championship held in Toronto on April 4 to 6, 2014.  Lion Peter curls with 3 other visually impaired curlers plus a coach and a sighted sweeper.  Lion Michael Hayes of the Ottawa – Vanier Lions Club is skip for the team.  Other members include Sheldon MacDonald (second), Michael Hunsley (third), Gord Wilson (sweeper) and Steve Fisher (coach).  Lion Peter is seen with his Canine Vision Canada Dog Guide “Kane”.

A Fun Barrhaven Event for a Very Good Cause

The Barrhaven Lions Club’s 10th annual Mother/Daughter Gala
May 9th at the Centurion Conference and Event Center, 70 Colonnade Road South, Ottawa.
This year`s event will again consist of a 7:00 p.m. dinner, entertainment, and a silent auction.  All proceeds will be donated to the Queensway Carleton Hospital for Cancer Care.
Individual cost for the evening is $75.00 ($40.00 Tax receipt will be issued by the QCH).
For further information, please contact
Lion Doreen Lebano
Lion Sandy Maveety

Thank You Bill Lumley!!

A big thank you to Bill Lumley of Bill’s Cabinets ( here in Kanata. During the recent “spring” cleaning of the Kitchen, it was noted that there was a large (1/2 inch) gap between the kitchen cabinets and the ceiling. A photo was taken and sent to Bill Lumley for his comment and he strongly recommended repairs to stabilize the cabinets. Bill had supplied the cabinets five years ago when we renovated the kitchen, however he did not install them.

On March 20th, Lions Bill Switzer and Tom Feltmate met Bill at the Lions’ Hall – it turns out that both Bill’s were employees of Nortel at the same time – I thought the work would never get started as Lion Bill and Bill had to reminisce about old times and old friends at Nortel. However….once Bill pulled out his special cabinet jack, it was not long before the cabinets were once more flush with the ceiling, all connections tightened and screws added at the bulkhead to make sure things will stay in place.

At the end of a couple of hours work, Bill announced that, as we are a community service organization, he was not going to charge us for the call or the work done.

Yes…Lion Bill did give Bill a brochure encouraging him to consider joining one of the finest service organizations in the world!!

A Lions Get -Together

On March 26 Lions from Almonte, Arnprior, Richmond, Ottawa West, Kanata-Hazeldean and Stittsville will meet at the Stittsville Club to hear from our Governor, Tony Lawson, about Lions service in the district and around the world and to share some fellowship – plus a great home-made meal!