Club Projects

“Spectacular” Help for the Vision Impaired.

Lions like practical, hands-on work. Meetings are often followed by cleaning bees to prepare the thousands of glasses that we collect for shipment to those in need in other countries. Here, Lions Maurice Bonin,Naomi Nakamura, Peter Henry and Wilf Lamb pitch in.

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Communicating with the Community

Lions regularly invite speakers from community organizations to describe their services. This frequently results in a Lions contribution to the initiative or even to a full partnership for a community program or events, Here, Lion Peggy Feltmate introduces representative from a group promoting understanding and action regarding youth suicide in our community.




A Kanata Vision Statement

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Lions Avis Templeton and Henne Helleman administer a vision test a local youngster 

Since 2012 the Club has provided elementary school students (who have parental permission) with testing to assess visual acuity, as well as depth and colour perception.

Kids who indicate problems are referred back to parents with a recommendation to consult a vision professional. So far, we have visited eleven Schools and tested more than 200 children.


Walker and Dog
A walk participant and their dog.

Walk for Dog Guides

Every year we contribute time and donations to this event, which helps to provide canine assistants to people with visual and other disabilities. Our own Lion Peter Henry (below) regular contributes by seeking donations at Saunders Farm

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The Kanata Santa Claus Parade

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Lions Naomi Nakamura, Nevil Hunt and Pearl Brule preparing to direct traffic at the parade

The Lions Club has been organizing this annual event since the 1980’s.  In cooperation with Hazeldean Mall, the City of Ottawa and many community groups and agencies, we plan and marshal more than 60 floats, bands or other units as the parade moves through Glen Cairn, culminating in the arrival of the Man Himself!!


Winter Carnival. Fun for the whole family.

The winter Carnival has been a Lions staple for for more than 25 years.  In cooperation with the City of Ottawa and community friends, we provide a pancake, eggs and sausages breakfast, sleigh rides, Ray’s Reptiles presentations, evening euchre and other fun events to our neighbours.


A young resident meets some very big friends!


Lions Rob Raven, Avis Templeton and Pearl Brule serve up a hearty pancake, eggs and sausage breakfast to Carnival participants.

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Creepy crawly guests thrill youngsters.


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