It’s that time again! For information, call 613-986-3609 or email You can purchase tickets at the door, of course.
Lion Todd Sloan
On Tuesday, November 25 at 7 p.m. the Club will hold an evening of fellowship and important announcements on vital community projects.
We will be celebrating the work of the Ottawa Hospital Eye Institute and the Ruddy-Shenkman Hospice – and presenting each with a substantial cheque which we have accumulated from our fund-raising projects.
That’s what Lionism is all about. We work hard on tangible events and we donate the proceeds back to meet the community’s greatest needs.
Dr. Baig, a very talented surgeon/researcher at the Eye Institue and Rabbi Reuvin Bulka, radio host and ardent support of the Hospice, are expected to attend the event. they will offer a few words about their organizations and will accept the Lions’ donations.
The evening will feature wine and cheese and much friendly mingling. Lions have been asked to invite neighbours who might be interested in learning more about Lions efforts and maybe joining us.
we plan to make our donations night an annual event. help us kick off the series, and enjoy some refreshments and fellowship.
E-waste?Amplifiers • Audio and video players & recorders • Cameras • Cell phones . Computers (desktop & laptop) and peripherals • Copiers • Digital cameras • Fax machines • Monitors • Pagers and PDAs • Printers • Radios • Receivers • Scanners • Speakers • Telephones and answering machines • Tuners • Turntables • Televisions • Video projectors
Textiles? –Clothing . Sheets. Bedding. Towels . Tablecloths
Bottles?– Refundable Bottles, Soft drink, Beer, Wine
Eye Glasses? – for shipment to under developed countries.
Saturday, September 27 170 Castlefrank Road, Kanata 8 AM – 3PM
PROCEEDS TO LIONS’ CHARITIES: Ottawa Hospital Eye Institute and Hospice West Information: 613-.836-2657,,
Award Winning Lions 2013-2014
The Lions are known for recognizing those who lead and participate in the many Kanata-Hazeldean Lions Club events and programs that we carry out for our community and especially for vision-related projects.
On June 10, Regional Chair Paul Riddell joined outgoing President Lion Peggy Feltmate in recognizing the work of members, both in 2013-14 and over several years. These included (see photos, from top down).
Lion Naomi Nakamura, the Judge Brian Stevenson Fellowship for her stalwart work as our Secretary and her innovative fund raiser and community fun event, the Scrapbooking Days.
Life Memberships to our new members over the past two year. Pictured between Lion Peggy and Lion Paul (bookends) are, left to right, Rick Mansell, Carol Spratt, Liz Christie, Henni Helleman, Hans Helleman, Richard McDonald and Cheryl McDonald
Lion Hans Helleman, Lion of the Year for his leadership and participation in many activities in 2013-14, especially his work with canteen events, hockey fun activities and the Major Projects Committee.
Lion Linda Leinan, the Helen Keller Award for consistent participation and dedication to Lions Projects, especially those with vision-related aspect, since she joined us six years ago.
The Keller and Stevenson awards come with $500 donations to International Lions programs that help people the world over.
Congratulations to all. Okay, back to work!!
New Executive looks forward to a busy, exciting year
On June 10 our new Officers were installed. This will be a year of challenges and benefits to the community. In September we will begin work on the major project(s) that our committee is about to recommend to our next regular meeting.
The Club has decided to shift into high gear in helping the Ottawa and Kanata communities with our labour and our fund-raising proceeds. We have been in touch with several worthy causes and with our neighbours to establish a great plan. September will be the starting point of the roll-out.
New President, Peter Henry, believes that the year will feature challenges but that we will get it done.
Left to right:
Naomi Nakamura, Tail Twister, Linda Leinan, 2 Year Director, Tom Feltmate, Bulletin Editor, Wilf Lamb, Membership Director, President Peter HenryDirector, Maurice Bonin, Lion Tamer, Todd Sloan, Vice-President & Publicity Director, Rob Raven, 1 Year Director, Peggy Feltmate, Past President & Secretary, Rick Mansell, Treasurer.