Open House

Are you interested in “giving back” to your community, or getting involved in worthwhile charitable and volunteer activities? Come to the KHLC open house on April 30, and learn what the Lions Club does for our community, and how you could help. If you are interested in supporting our efforts, we would be pleased to welcome you as a member.

No need to pre-register, just come, have a coffee, and meet your neighbours.

2019 Winter Carnival – Mark your Calendar

Planning for the annual Lions Winter Carnival has begun.  Mark your calendars, the Carnival will be Saturday, February 9, 2018.

Thanks to generous support from Meridian Credit Union, and the City of Ottawa, all the events are free, including the pancake breakfast.  A voluntary donation jar will be available indoors, and any donations will be gratefully accepted and used for Lions’ community projects.




8:30 – 11:30 Pancake Breakfast (Free)
9:00 – 12:00 Horse-Drawn Sleigh Rides (Free)
12:30 – 2:30 Children’s Indoor Program (Free)

Detailed events will be announced shortly.

Plan to come, celebrate mid-winter, and fight the February “blahs”.